



# sha1 = 2d73cea41072c028105332a6e7c1027161fa07fe
openssl sha1 "Software/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/SharedSupport/InstallESD.dmg"



# ~/Software是我放置Install OS X Mavericks.app的位置
# /Volumes/OS 是安装盘分区的名字
cd ~/Software
sudo ./"Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia" --volume /Volumes/OS --applicationpath "Install OS X Mavericks.app" --nointeraction


CodeIgniter 和 Twig 整合

为啥还要用 Twig







Twig 和 Codeigniter 整合

Codeigniter是一个PHP Framework,我一直使用他,没用过的请返回吧。下边的内容对你没有帮助。

Twig 和 Codeigniter 整合非常简单,仅仅两步即可完成






<?php  if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
 * Created on 2013-10-25 by haojue
 * Twig CI Library
require_once APPPATH . 'third_party/Twig/Autoloader.php';

class Twig {

    private $loader ;
    private $twig;
    private $_ci;

    function __construct() {
        $this->loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(APPPATH.'views');
        $this->twig = new Twig_Environment($this->loader, array(
            'cache' => APPPATH.'cache',
      'auto_reload' => true

    public function render($tpl,$data,$return = FALSE) {
        $output = $this->twig->render($tpl,$data);
        $this->_ci =& get_instance();
        if ($return) {
            return  $output;
   * __call
   * @param string $method
   * @param array $args
   * @throws Exception
    public function __call($method,$args) {
        $return = call_user_func_array(array($this->twig,$method),$args);
        if ($return) {
            return $return;



class Test extends CI_Controller {

    public function index()
        $this->twig->render('twig_template.html'); //模版文件放置在view目录中


以下代码新建了一个CI的Helper,加载helper后,可以使用{{ base_url('something') }}获得base_url

<?php  if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

 if ( ! function_exists('twig_extend'))
   function twig_extend()
     $CI = & get_instance();
     if ( ! $CI->twig instanceof Twig) {
       log_message('error', "Twig library not initialized");
   $base_url = new Twig_SimpleFunction('base_url', 'base_url');

   // Now you’ll be able to use {% raw %}{{ base_url('something') }}{% endraw %} in your
   // template files, after you call this twig_extend() helper function
   // in your controllers.


App Development Company Limited


App name insert content
Version insert content
Date of submission insert content

This form is to document the testing that has been done on each app
version before submitting to the App Store. For each item, indicate Yes
if the testing has been done, Not Applicable if the testing does not
apply (eg testing audio for an app that doesn’t play any), or No if the
testing has not been done for another reason.

###Internet Connectivity
Test all the data downloading sections of the app by trying them on the appropriate connection type. Consider graceful degradation and failure as well as success conditions.

Connection N/A NO YES
No Network
Break in Network - use Charles
Server unreachable - timeout
Resumed connect - streaming only

Change device’s settings then load the app. Check that dates appear correctly, especially dates from external feeds or services.

Locale N/A NO YES
12 and 24 hour clocks
Regions: fork and add regions for you
Languages: fork and add languages for you
Daylight Savings Time


Run the application through navigations using different devices with different iOS versions and display formats.

Device N/A NO YES
iPhone / iPod touch running iOS 5.0
iPhone / iPod touch running iOS 5.1.1
iPhone / iPod touch running iOS 6.0
iPhone / iPod touch running iOS 6.1.3
iPhone / iPod touch running iOS 7.0
Retina iPhone display
Non-retina iPhone display
iPad 1 running iOS 5.0
iPad 1 running iOS 5.0
iPhone / iPod touch running iOS 5.1.1
iPad running iOS 6.0
iPad running iOS 6.1.3
iPad running iOS 7.0
Retina iPad display
Non-retina iPad display
iPad mini display


If app plays audio, perform the following checks. For streaming audio, make sure the checks in the network section above have also been done.

Audio N/A NO YES
Headphones/speaker routing
Dock connector audio out routing
iPod touch audio routing (consider model without speaker)
Mute switch functionality (officially it mutes non-user-requested sounds)
Audio pause on received phone call
Background audio (if supported): playback and multitasking bar controls
Start playing audio when another app is already playing
Headphone remote for audio control
Multitasking screen audio control

Streaming video should have been checked in the network tests.

Video N/A NO YES
User cancels video before playback begins
User cancels video during playback
Video plays to the end
Video return from full screen
Dock connector video out
Video transition between inline and full screen


Location N/A NO YES
True GPS
Wifi location
Cell tower location
Unable to find location
No results returned (e.g. too far from any searchable points of interest)
Location services turned off
Location services disabled for this app

###Camera / Video
If app takes pictures or video clips, perform the following checks. For streaming video, make sure the checks in the network section above have also been done.

Camera / Video N/A NO YES
Primary camera photo taken
Primary camera video captured
Secondary (user facing) camera taken
Secondary (user facing) video captured
Video recording paused on received phone call


Logging N/A NO YES
Logging events to live server
Logging errors (interact with other tests?)

###User Interface
Test each major view in the app.

Title N/A NO YES
Double height status bar (eg in call)
Orientation change
Upside-down orientation
Orientation lock
VoiceOver turned on
Usable by a new user with Screen Curtain turned on
Works with Accessibility Zoom turned on

###Core Data

Core Data N/A NO YES
Validation error in user input
Validation error in web server input
Test migrations with valid and invalid data files


Installation N/A NO YES
Fresh install
Upgrade from previous live version
Upgrade from older live version


Title N/A NO YES
Shake to Undo
Text selection (including disabled when appropriate)
Copy / Paste
Editing when keyboard is hidden
Dictionary / Suggested Word hover

###Third Party Services
All third party services should use production API key and the new app version should be registered in the respective dashboards

Title N/A NO YES
Production analytics/tracking API key
New app version tracking data available tracking in dashboard
Production crash reporting API key
Upload dSYM to crash reporting tool
New app version available in crash reporting dashboard
Push notification service API key
New app version added to push service dashboard
Production App ID for social services (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc)


Tested in Ad Hoc mode
Version number upgraded
Bundle identifier correct for release

Sign-off: __

Project role: ___

Google Analytics for iOS


Developer Doc

Liner error when trying to install new Google Analytics 3.0 beta

Add AdSupport.framework

Initializing the tracker

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  // Optional: automatically send uncaught exceptions to Google Analytics.
  [GAI sharedInstance].trackUncaughtExceptions = YES;

  // Optional: set Google Analytics dispatch interval to e.g. 20 seconds.
  [GAI sharedInstance].dispatchInterval = 20;

  // Optional: set Logger to VERBOSE for debug information.
  [[[GAI sharedInstance] logger] setLogLevel:kGAILogLevelVerbose];

  // Initialize tracker.
  id<GAITracker> tracker = [[GAI sharedInstance] trackerWithTrackingId:@"UA-XXXX-Y"];


Manual Screen Tracking

#import "GAI.h"
#import "GAIDictionaryBuilder.h"
#import "GAIFields.h"

- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
    id<GAITracker> tracker = [[GAI sharedInstance] defaultTracker];

    // This screen name value will remain set on the tracker and sent with
    // hits until it is set to a new value or to nil.
    [tracker set:kGAIScreenName value:@"Home Screen"];

    [tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];

Event Tracking

id<GAITracker> tracker = [[GAI sharedInstance] defaultTracker];
[tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createEventWithCategory:@"UI_ACTION"     // Event category (required)
                                                      action:@"BUTTON_PRESS"  // Event action (required)
                                                       label:@"DOWNLOAD"          // Event label
                                                       value:[NSNumber numberWithInt:_slideID]] build]];    // Event value